
Freelancer, Admin…

  • From Philippines
  • Member Since Oct 01, 2016
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Freelancer, Admin Support

gain experience in BPO Industry. I was able to handle three accounts already. With the help of a large Call Center in the Philippines, I was trained to become an efficient Agent of different genres.
My name is Marys Tshlene, well trained in ,Sales (inbound or outbound) , Technical Support, Ticket or flight reservations, Chat, Phone, Social who's more than eager to help out my customers in every way possible. Currently I am dealing as Lead Generati, appointment settlers, Admin support and a Staffing Manager Virtual Assistant.Hospitable and calm in dealing with clients. Can provide my client 100% Satisfaction to meet their needs of services
I AM THE BEST PERSON TO WORK WITH as who can comprehend customer's need and will provide best service to customers
I have served different people of different nationalities, rest assured that every cents paid is worth it!
I'll be more than glad to see your emails and discuss the tasks you'll be entrusting me. Looking forward to work with you soon!


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