Structural design…
From Egypt
Member Since Oct 05, 2016
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Structural design Engineer
• Work in Roaya group (Real estate & Investment ) As A Structural design Engineer from January-2016 to Present .
• Designing of Various Types of Building (villas, offices, mosques And multistory Structures In K.S.A) using Etabs, safe,Sap and CSI column Programs
• Analysis and design of different elements of structures such as Shear walls, retaining walls and flat slabs, concrete frames, panalled beams and various types of foundations such as Isolated footings, raft Foundations, pile caps, raft over piles using finite element theory By using Software programs
• Handling structural design in all stages form concepts design to Final detailed drawings
• Preparation of engineering sketches and design drawings Using AutoCad
• Preparation of design documents and calculation reports.
• Preparation of a project plan and resourse scheduling using Primavera P6.