
Software Developer

  • From Pakistan
  • Member Since Feb 20, 2016
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Software Developer

Programming is my passion. Much of my spare time is spent writing tests cases, exploring open source projects and learning new languages. I have a good experience working as a Software Developer with various languages (HTML, CSS, PHP, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, BOOTSTRAP, PSD to HTML, C, C++, JAVA, Android). I've developed websites using WordPress CMS. Additionally, I can handle pretty much any programming task due to my strong Computer Science background - I'm also a proud open source contributor and contribute to C++ based projects. I tend to write good testable code that is easy to maintain and extend.


  • PHP
  • C Programming
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • Android
  • Wordpress
  • CSS
  • PSD to HTML
  • C++ Programming
  • HTML
  • jQuery / Prototype
  • Bootstrap


  • Degree BS (Computer Science)
  • Year 2012 - 2016
  • College Name University Of Central Punjab , Pakistan


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