

  • From Pakistan
  • Member Since Feb 21, 2016
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I am a very quick learner, willing to Research and Educate myself on any subject/new computer program/software you may need me to know. I have developed great Admin Support and Web Developing skills from my past experience. I also work well when pushed to reach a high goal.

I am offering my services as freelancer over the last 10 years, I have been working on various aspects of fields:

Admin Support Skills:
• Data Entry
• Web Researching
• Data/Web Scraping
• Lead Generation
• Adword Keyword Researching
• MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Google Docs, Google Spreadsheet
• File Conversion (PDF, JPG, XML, HTML, Word, Excel)

UK/USA Products Database Managements:
• ShelfSnap, Brandbank. FoodEssentials

Product Database Backend Development:
• Magento, Woocommerce, Bigcommerce, Shopify, ZenCart, OpenCart

Graphic Designing:
• Adobe Photoshop
• Brochure Design
• Adobe Illustrator
• 3D Logo Design
• Image Editing
• Ads Banner
• 3D Animation

Website Designing Fronted & Backend:
• HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap
• WordPress, PHP, JQuery
• Convert PSD to WordPress & HTML
• Convert HTML to WordPress
• WordPress Theme Customization


  • Data Entry
  • Wordpress
  • CSS
  • HTML5
  • BigCommerce
  • WooCommerce
  • Adobe Photoshop


  • Degree BA (Stat & Eco)
  • Year 2004 - 2006
  • College Name University Of Azad Jammu and Kashmir , Pakistan


  • Job Profile Data Validation/Editor
  • Year June,2012 - Present
  • Company Information Transformation Services


Transformation of raw unstructured data from any format (hardcopies, images, pdfs etc) by means of manual keying or software conversion, data extraction and classification into a customer-defined data format.