
Financial Services

  • From Bangladesh
  • Member Since May 07, 2016
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Financial Services

A Banker with 19 years of experiences in the field of Accounts/Finance, Financial Planning, Reconciliation, Treasury and Market Analysis, Risk Management, International Trade-Finance and International Banking.


  • Accounting


  • Degree Masters In Business
  • Year 1993 - 1997
  • College Name University of Dhaka , Bangladesh

  • Degree MBA
  • Year 2008 - 2010
  • College Name American world University , United States

  • Degree Foreign Exchange Market
  • Year 2010 - 2010
  • College Name ACI Australia , Australia

  • Degree Bourse
  • Year 2005 - 2005
  • College Name Bankers Training College-Reserve Bank of India , India

  • Degree DAIBB
  • Year 1999 - 2002
  • College Name Diplomaed Associates , Bangladesh


  • Job Profile Public Accountant And Consultant
  • Year , - Present
  • Company MBA,ACI,DAIBB


  • Job Profile Senior Vice President
  • Year April,2013 - ,2014
  • Company SBAC Bank


  • Job Profile Vice President
  • Year August,2010 - April,2013
  • Company Al Arafah Islami Bank


  • Job Profile Senior Officer/PO
  • Year February,1998 - August,2009
  • Company Islami Bank Bd


Accounts, Finance, Reconciliation, Treasury, Market, Trade Finance


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