Electrical Engineer
From Bangladesh
Member Since Jul 14, 2016
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Electrical Engineer
To provide quality services to my clients and companies around the globe. I am working as an
SEO specialist.
On Page SEO specialist.
Off page SEO specialist.
White hat and high Quality link building.
Social Media Net-worker.
Internet Marketer.
Link Building Expert.
from clients abroad mostly from USA, Austrailia UK, Europe, Canada & UAE..
I intend to maintain use of innovative SEO techniques, as the sustainable and quality results I have achieved using them ensure the greatest chances of success for my client's search marketing campaigns.
- Internet Marketing
- Data Processing
- Data Entry
- Link Building
- Engineering
- Training
- Excel
- Facebook Marketing
- Virtual Assistant
- Electrical Engineering
- Degree Diploma
- Year 2011 - 2015
- College Name BCMC Engineering Collage. Jessore , Bangladesh
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