
Product Manager

  • From United States
  • Member Since Mar 03, 2016
  • Service Delivered 0
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Product Manager

Product manager experienced in the entire software development lifecycle. Atlassian JIRA master with years of administration experience. Highly fluent in agile methodologies as well as waterfall and hybrid software project management methods.

Prior to product management, I was a business analyst performing competitive market analysis, business casing features, and approving completed user stories.

Other skills include extremely fast/accurate typing (~110wpm), copywriting, guest blog posting, internet marketing, copy and content editing, and so much more.

Native English speaker - very pleasant to work with!


  • Copywriting
  • Internet Marketing
  • Project Management
  • Data Entry
  • Customer Support
  • Troubleshooting
  • Technical Writing
  • Editing
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Virtual Assistant
  • eCommerce
  • Product Descriptions
  • Technical Support
  • Project Scheduling
  • Data Processing


  • Degree Bachelor Of Arts, History
  • Year 2007 - 2012
  • College Name Kennesaw State University , United States


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