Graphic Designer
From Bangladesh
Member Since Aug 10, 2016
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Graphic Designer
Hello, be in peace under His Grace. As a designer,someone quite new, I am in Freelancing Gig. My fellow designers say, I have been favored by Him about my quality unique in ideas, colorful and diversified in imagination. That is, perhaps, in quest of a smart and in-genuine Designer.I always wish & pray, my design be the perfect tool in creating that.
- Graphic Design
- Illustration
- Adobe Photoshop
- Degree Hons
- Year 2004 - 2008
- College Name National University , Bangladesh
- Job Profile Graphic Artist
- Year March,2011 - October,2015
- Company Mavrick Software & Telecom Services Ltd.
I am a multi-disciplined graphic designer with a passion for innovative design. i have an experience in illustrator & Photoshop.