Assistant Lecturer…
From Egypt
Member Since Sep 10, 2016
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Assistant Lecturer at Shoubra Faculty of Engineering-Benha University
I am a lecturer at university and have a good experience in Solidworks, Inventor and Ansys softwares. I have Master of Sciences thesis in wind turbines field "An Investigation of Wakes behind Wind Turbines". I have used Solidworks software to model the wind turbine model and manufactured it by using 3D printing technique. I have made different ventilation models on Ansys Fluent for many projects in Egypt.
- Degree Bachleor Of Mechanical Engineering-Power Branch
- Year 2006 - 2011
- College Name Benha University , Egypt
- Degree Master Of Sciences In Mechanical Power Engineering
- Year 2011 - 2015
- College Name Benha University , Egypt
- Job Profile Demonstrator At Shoubra Faculty Of Engineering
- Year September,2011 - June,2015
- Company Benha University
I have worked in teaching small sections for solving subjects problems
- Job Profile Assistant Lecturer At Shoubra Faculty Of Engineering
- Year July,2015 - Present
- Company Benha University
I am working as an assistant lecturer at the faculty. I solve problems in sections and help the lecturer in some lectures.
- Job Profile Sales Engineer
- Year October,2013 - June,2014
- Company Egypt Solar Company
I have worked as a part time sales engineer for ventilation fans and air handling units who makes technical and financial offers for the mentioned items. I have worked as a designer for air handling units.
- Job Profile Sales Engineer
- Year February,2016 - Present
- Company Rosenberg Egypt
I am working as a part time sales engineer for ventilation fans and air handling units who makes technical and financial offers for the mentioned items. I am working as a designer for air handling units.