
Web Designer and…

  • From India
  • Member Since Oct 01, 2016
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Web Designer and Developer

I have been a very successful full stack web developer for over 4+ years working for individuals and companies all over the world.

Since I have started developing and designing web applications, I have started loving to solve the critical challenges I faced while developing web applications. I am a full stack web developer mainly working in PHP, Mysql, Laravel, Codeigniter, Ecommerce Open Source Platforms, Jquery, Ajax, Javascript, Bootstrap etc and still enthusiastic to learn many more. I am also learning hybrid mobile app development framework Ionic also. I have completed lot of complex and big projects for my clients.

I always want to maintain a long term and healthy relationship with my clients, Whatever may be client requirements I am capable of handling each and every requirements of client and that too in their budget. I always stand by my client side in every phase of software development life cycle. Kindly consider me for your business needs and I promise I will surely provide you best work and good quality ,standard of coding.

Thank you .


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