
Virtual Assistant

  • From Tunisia
  • Member Since Oct 22, 2016
  • Service Delivered 0
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Virtual Assistant

In my opinion, all we are thankful to our common values and principals.
Yes, making money and get a lot of profit is among our first goals. I'm challenger and I take care of your satisfaction. Today managing time is the first advantage to succeed.
How I can help you in your business?
This is what I do! I'm the excellent second ever you look for? you don't find someone in your intern framework, I'm here to assist you, promoting your business and manage your teams!
Good!! My expertise and skills in managing humans resources and with my strong sense of global systemic approach I can provide you with the best effective solution.
Whatever your area of services & production my mission is: "Assist you to develop your business effectively".
Rached Hmiden


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  • Degree Bachelor Degree
  • Year 2000 - 2006
  • College Name ISG Tunis , Tunisia


  • Job Profile Financial Consultant
  • Year February,2015 - Present
  • Company Projet GDEO


Financial reports, invoicing and project bugetizing...


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