In simple words, learning a particular software programming in a short span of time like 8 to 12 weeks is a Coding Bootcamp. From 2012, there is a boom of boot camps, and they varied in length and cost.

Who should attend?

Some questions to be considered while attending a Coding Bootcamp

  • What is my objective in attending the coding bootcamp?
  • Is the Bootcamp in my college or I have to travel to a different place?
  • What is the syllabus going to cover?
  • Is it related to current market trend and latest technology?
  • Can I learn the same thing on my own?
  • Do I qualify for the bootcamp?
  • Duration and cost of the bootcamp
  • Any reviews available for the bootcamp

What are the Options available?

It depends on at what stage of your coding career, you are going for the coding bootcamp. Are you still completing your college or you are a working professional? Having some background in computer software and coding is a plus point. As the courses are short term, you can’t expect the trainer to cover basics, unless the course is for beginners.

If you want to make a career in coding and have never done coding before, it may not be a good idea to attend a bootcamp. What you need in such case is a degree or diploma in software where all concepts will be clear, and you get sufficient time to grasp. It is a common mistake to join a bootcamp without matching the pre-requisites of this course.

Another option is an online course or free learning through internet and books (have you forgot about the valuable programming books?) When you think it’s necessary to attend a classroom session along with practical, you can think of the bootcamp option.

Costing and ROI

You can compare fees for a computer software degree, diploma, certificate course, and a bootcamp. The shortest course is not always the best even if means paying less. An example is if you are already an expert programmer and want to learn new features, bootcamp is best. It depends on the curriculum of the bootcamp.

Consider Return on Investment (ROI) as the fees you are paying is an investment in your career. It may not be a good idea to join a bootcamp only to get a job where a specific skill is required. The job always demand some experience in that skill, and as the employer realises, you are only out of the bootcamp for this skill, there are fewer chances of you getting selected.

In the US, you will find the coding bootcamp costing from $10000 upwards, and in India, you can expect it to be between INR 20k to 50k based on some institutes offering an immediate internship also.

Bootcamp Curriculum

As a fresher, you can attend a bootcamp checking the curriculum (for fresher/people without coding background). Learning a new programming language with an easy learning curve within three months is a good idea.

Another aspect is you gave it a try by learning through internet and books, but you need a ‘Guru’ to teach you some concepts which you can’t understand on your own. This is also a case of attending a good bootcamp.

Developing a Coder Network

Some programmers will find it interesting that along with learning something new, they get to network. You will find a group of programmers in specific language and skills to develop a strong network. It is up to you to develop this network further by joining WhatsApp groups, and technical discussion forums. These groups and community will also be useful in finding a job or switching over to the technology of bootcamp. Find freelancers in your group and develop a strong network.

Types of Coding Bootcamp

Online: The easiest option today for attending any course is to attend it from your home. If that comfort is available and serves your purpose, then why not? If you are looking for an interactive and practical oriented course, then this is not the best option. If you can find a virtual classroom where you have an excellent internet connection and can have face to face interaction with the trainer, you will again prefer this option over travelling through busy roads.

Part Time: You may have college or a full time job, and if you can find a part-time course, it’s good. You can also consider a weekend option where it can be full time or long hours also.

Full Time: If you don’t have a full time job yet or enjoying your summer vacations, you can consider a full time course which will have less duration regarding some days.

In both part-time and full-time courses, you can select an intensive coding course if that is your prime motive behind joining a bootcamp. Remember, practical/hands-on has no substitute.

Which Coding is Bootcamp better?

It is a personal choice and mainly depends on your wish-list, market demand, your prior experience, and current skills. Freelance web developers have a great choice here.

You may have a choice between web based development and Mobile App development also. The choice currently varies between Ruby, Python, LAMP stack, Angular, MEAN stack and.NET languages. For mobile App developers, it is Java for Android and Swift or Objective-C for iOS. Look at our best programming languages blog to see which one is most suitable for you. You can find bootcamp reviews on specific technology forums and a platform like Quora or Yelp.

Will I get a job after attending a bootcamp?

Though it is not easy to fully depend on a short term course for getting a job, if someone in your network has promised, it may work. You may have all the qualifications of a coding job except a particularly advanced skill, and if the bootcamp fills that gap, there are more chances of getting a job. Remember, you may have to accept the junior most role as you have no experience in the newly adapted skill.


There are different view expressed in this article about attending a bootcamp. Learning at any stage is a good idea but check the curriculum, cost, hands-on and trainer profile before you join. It is a great idea to attend such camps if you are getting some freelance work in that technology.