During my wonderful evangelism, I was often asked what the best book is for a Java developer to use wonderful. Unfortunately, this is another of the feared response “depends”. In this publication, I will summarize why I love and regularly use three Groovy books: Groovy Recipes: Oil the Wheels of Java, Wonderful Dynamic Programming: Productivity for Java and Groovy Developer in Action. I hope to provide details on what each book does the other two for those who are looking for a single book. You can find freelancers to get you this book from any store as freelance tips. Each of them offers different advantages as well as many common benefits and found that they are all useful in different situations. The good news is that all three books are excellent in their own right, so you cannot really “bad” with one of them.

Wonderful Recipes: Greasing Java Wheels

Wonderful recipes were the first book I bought wonderful because I came across the approach of “cookbook” and the “recipe” to be a very effective way of learning a new language through the application of practical examples. As much as I like the style of the cookbook book/recipe in common, I like the fact that wonderful recipes offer their recipes in an order that also makes it an appropriate introduction book. In other words, I did not need another book that would give me the basics before plunging into the wonderful recipe book.

Groovy Material Table Recipes shows how chapters and recipes are structured to be read almost like a preamble. The book’s subtitle (“Grill Java Wheels”) and its introductory chapter titles that fall into this book begin to cover a wonderful perspective of Java. Chapter 2 provides a high-level overview of how Groovy builds and enhances Java concepts and syntax. Chapter 3 covers the different ways to do simple wonderful scripts and FDI and other basic media tools for Groovy. Chapter 4 is an excellent chapter for a wonderful Java developer because he really emphasizes that wonderfully adds to Java. You can find freelancers to tutor you this.

Not only do the opening chapters provide a solid introduction to the wonderful, but even the latest and most advanced chapters still consider the wonderful features through practical applications while introducing wonderful concepts and syntax to a level appropriate to those with little language experience. I use mostly wonderful writing for my needs. As such, the wonderful earnings practices in the related command line (chapter 6) and wonderful file management (Chapter 7) are important to me. I also spent a lot of time in Chapters 8 and 9 regarding the great features of XML / scan analysis and wonderful writing. Finally, the last few chapters of this book cover wonderful metaprogram capabilities before ending with two chapters focusing on Grails.

Wonderful recipe is an excellent book with a recipe-oriented format that is perfectly woven in the derivation flow. It’s a great combination. The only drawback is that Groovy Recipes does not cover as much as wonderful as the other two books I write about in this publication. For example, I often find myself trying to access the database of my wonderful scripts and this book has very little to offer in this area. Most people use it as part of their freelance tips.

Wonderful recipes cover a lot and what it covers, covers well. However, this did not cover certain topics and was found to have another wonderful book as a supplement. That said, I loved this book, I bought it twice! (I lost the first copy with a not so smart move and I missed the book enough I bought it again.) This is the book that was “hooked” on Groovy and awakened in what I could do with language as a language Script. I always use this book, especially when working on the command line, with XML files or in Groovy. This book has the most impressive coverage of the three books I review here, and in fact, it has one of the most impressive covers I’ve seen in a programming language spec.

Wonderful Programming: Productivity Dynamics for Java Developer

As wonderful recipes, wonderful programming comes from the pragmatic programmer’s part of the pragmatic shelf. In fact, the authors of this book and wonderful recipes were originally writing a book together and decided that their goals and their intentions justify two separate books. After reading most of the two books, I accept that the difference in treatment was a good idea because the two books offer different advantages

Groovy programming is exactly the type of book you want if you are looking for an introductory book that quickly builds on the basics. It is well written and follows the approach of introduction to the “classical” language. The content of Groovy programming shows that this book starts with high-level basic information about how wonderful of address how language and why a developer wants to read more and learn more about the wonderful.

The second chapter of Groovy Groovy programming covers the acquisition and implementation of a wonderful developmental base environment. Chapter 3, “for Java Groovy Eyes” offers a great introduction to the wonderful targeted specifically to Java developers. I found it interesting that this book deals with dynamic typing (chapter 4) and closing (Chapter 5) before looking at strings (chapter 6) and collections (Chapter 7). The obvious reason for this is that Groovy GDK and other string extensions and collections are largely based on dynamic typing and most of the closing features. The first seven chapters of Part I (“Wonderful Beginning”) cover the basics of wonderful.

Part II (“Wonderful Use”) is part of the “practice” of the book. Chapter 8 Programming Groovy covers the very important and very useful GDK. Chapter 9 covers the fabulous XML support for Groovy and Chapter 10 gives me the “Working with databases” cover I wanted. Chapter 11 covers writing scripts and classes in Groovy and using Groovy and Java together.

Part III (“Groovy Cleanup”) is the most advanced part of Groovy programming. In this part, the wonderful Meta-Object Protocol (MOP) has expanded coverage into two chapters. Other chapters cover the creation of DSL, unit testing, and the most important builders.

Wonderful in Action

Wonderful in action is the largest and most comprehensive of wonderful books discussed in this review. When wonderful recipes do not cover a particular topic and when Groovy programming does not cover, you can usually expect the fact and freelance tips that it is covered in this book. There is a caveat to this: the subject I seek must be part of the marvelous for a while. Wonderful in action is the oldest of the three covered books here and in some areas it shows its age. The good news is that the second edition of the wonderful in action must be delivered in the summer of 2012 and is available from now working through the increase of the Manning Access Program (MEAP). I have high hopes of combining the global nature of the first edition with new themes and features also covered. The current cover of the second edition shows that it applies to Groovy 1.7.

Wonderful content in Action gives a small test of the wonderful coverage provided by this book. The fact that the publisher is holding the second edition is a testament to the sale of this book can. In addition to being full, another advantage of the book is the high level of experience in question. Several authors have contributed to the development of wonderful.


The three books mentioned in this publication are excellent Groovy references and presentations. For a pure, wonderful reference in action may be the strongest due to its wide coverage. For the introductory material, the wonderful programming can be the strongest. To see how to apply wonderful quickness in daily scripting tasks, Wonderful Recipes was probably the best. They are all excellent and I found that they were all useful on several occasions.

Kitty Gupta