I Will Convert PDF To Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Jpg And Vice Versa(2)
(0 reviews) 10 Maximum Orders Posted 8 years ago
Programming & Tech / Convert Files

Product Description

A 5HRS CONVERSION Are you having problems in converting PDF documents to any format? I can be of much more of help, My conversions pdf ->word,excel,powerpoint,Html,text or image word->excel,powerpoint,Html,text or image Both fillable or editable can convert PDF file / scanned document into Excel / Word file as per your requirement. For Excel file: Up to 85 pages Excel tables with separate data in each row/column Reformatted font / style For Word: Up to 85 pages Reformatted data to match with original file Remove unwanted spaces/paragraph Reformatted font / style. Reformatted bullet and numbering Spelling

Product Requirements

pdf->? word doc->

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