
Business & Requirements…

  • From India
  • Member Since Feb 10, 2016
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Business & Requirements Analyst

Research & Analysis of business requirement.

Requirements gathering & analysis based on inputs provided by client.

Creating project plan and execution path based on the SRS.

Advising the senior management in project planning, making the most effective use of available resources and keeping the project budget as per the business case.

Coordinating with team members for daily updates and keeping the task flow in sync according to the project plan.

Training & leading team members to how to use the new systems, while working with them on the project.


  • PHP
  • Javascript
  • AJAX
  • Wordpress
  • CSS
  • Magento
  • eCommerce
  • Codeigniter
  • Business Analysis
  • MySQL
  • HTML
  • jQuery / Prototype


  • Job Profile Business Analyst
  • Year August,2015 - Present
  • Company Tangle Solutions


Business & Requirements Analyst


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