Tools are meant to make work easier. This is true for freelancers as well. Using the right tools for your freelancing services will make your life easier and more productive. You will spend less time on projects but attain more efficiency and productivity. These tools include:

  • Project and time management tools
  • Email management Applications
  • Writing tools
  • Business organization management tools
  • Customer support tools
  • Social media tools

Project, Productivity and Time Management Tools

  1. Basecamp

This is an ideal tool for those who take up large projects and need continued collaboration with other team members.

  1. MindMeister

This is a project mapping tool that comes in handy for big projects.

  1. Evernote

All writers and other creative people are always advised to carry a note book for capturing their random but potentially great ideas. The technological equivalent and more reliable way of doing this, is using Evernote. Saving such ideas in this tool syncs them in all your devices you and can access them later for further analysis.

  1. Google App

This tool helps you to connect with technically savvy people and gives a chance to network and promote yourself or your business. It is necessary to have a Google account.

  1. Teux Deux

This is a time management App that helps you to manage your ‘to-do list’.

  1. Rescue Time

This time management tool traces how you spend time on your computer and later gives you a chance to look back on how you used this time and adjust accordingly

7. ConvertCalculator

One of their main tools is a timecard calculator which your employees can track their time and wage to make invoicing and time management much easier.

Email Apps

  1. Aweber

This is an email management tool that can help you manage your email list and support your customers.


As the name of the App suggests, this tool helps you to manage follow-up communication with your clients.

  1. Gmail Labs

This one helps you to clear your inbox. When you reply to any email, it is removed from the inbox and it’s archived.

Freelancer Writing Tools

  1. Open Office

This is a full suite comparable to, but free, Microsoft office. If you know how to use Microsoft office, then you are set to go with Open Office.

  1. WriteRoom and DarkRoom

These two tools are for Macs and PCs respectively. They help you to focus a hundred percent on your writing as they can blackout everything that can distract you on the screen. They leave you with writing space only – not even menu bars are visible. This can be an ideal tool for creative writers especially.

Business Organization Management Tools

  1. Dropbox

This is a great help since it syncs all your files into all the devices you use. All you need to do is to drop the file into the app and it is preserved on cloud and you can access it on all the devices you have registered with it.

  1. Shoeboxed

Managing expenses by going through receipts can be tedious. Shoeboxed allows you to scan such documents and automatically extracts text data. The free version however, doesn’t have all the features needed for full functionality.

Social Media Tools

  1. Tweriod

This tool helps you to analyze when your followers on twitter are most active. You can then use the tool to twit at such times.

  1. Pluggio

This tool saves you the time you would spend on individual social media networks. It will help you manage all of them in one place.

Freelancers support tools are many and this is only a small list. Some tools are more relevant for specific types of freelancers and so each freelancer needs to check and test which tools work best for them.