Many people are interested to know more about blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. In this article, you will get information regarding free courses on blockchain and cryptocurrencies. You can find freelancers to get started with this technology.

1)    Introduction to Digital Currencies:

The University of Nicosia offers this course, and it is the free cryptocurrency MOOC. The Andreas Antonopoulos and Antonis Polemitis leaders teach this course. In 12 MOOC sessions, this course covers Bitcoin and other currencies from economic, financial, legal and social perspective. If students complete all the phases of MOOC successfully then they will get extra credits. These credits are helpful for students for getting admission in world’s first MSc in Digital Currency degree program. If they want self-variable certificate on the Bitcoin blockchain, then students have to pay their tuition fee in Bitcoin.

2)    Bitcoin, Altcoins, and Blockchain:

This course does not give any certification, but it is the freely available excellent course in the Market. This course only provides notes for those who are interested to know about the blockchain and cryptocurrencies because originally it was the course developed for Standford University students. The notes cover the concept like consensus system, distributed ledger technology, Bitcoin and smart contracts. This course covers the only important concept of a vast subject like cryptos and covers case studies of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Hire freelancers online who completed this course.

3)    Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technology:

It is the free 11 weeks course of online material designed by Princeton University. But it has no certification award. This course covers different topic regarding Bitcoin such as Bitcoin work, what makes Bitcoin different? How secure are your Bitcoins? Which factors determine the cost of Bitcoin? Can cryptocurrencies regulate? This course consists of 12 lecture videos and 11 lecture slides that are available free. During 2015 spring semester this course included the syllabus of Princeton University students.

4)    IBM Blockchain 101:

IBM Blockchain is the best course for those who are a developer and have basic knowledge about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. This course instructs developer about a deployment of the blockchain networks and starts coding on Hyperledger. It is the excellent course, and you can learn about blockchain course anywhere through internet. This course is specially useful for developers and is taught by developers to developers who are interested in blockchains and distributed ledger technologies.

5)    Beginners Guide to Blockchain Technology:

As from name you all know that this course is for beginners on blockchain technology. This course is available in a free presentation slide. This course has four parts, and you can enrol in this course anywhere without registration. The Blackstrap Company has designed this course which creates web API for developers for getting involved with blockchain. The API of the Blockstraps is tested on Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and Dash because they are chain agonistic. You can find freelancers who have basic knowledge regarding this technology.

6)    Khan Academy of Bitcoin:

Khan Academy designed this course and is freely available on the internet. Thhe course is excellent and very easy to understand. This course is available in 9 videos which are about Bitcoin, the Bitcoin blockchain, and Bitcoin transactions, and POW consensus mechanism, etc.

7)    Bitcoin and Blockchain:

It is the freely available introductory course on Bitcoin and blockchain. This course is covered in 7 videos and does not take more than one hour. Through this course, you can get basic knowledge regarding the blockchain and Bitcoin. This course also gives you knowledge regarding revolution in currencies and decentralised technology.

8)    YouTube- Andreas M. Antonopoulos:

The YouTube channel of Andreas M. Antonopoulos is another way to learn about Blockchain and cryptocurrency, and it is the excellent place to start. It is the excellent way to learn in detailed the concept like Bitcoin, Etherum, and blockchain technology. Andreas M. Antonopoulos is not only expertise in security but also a well known person who has excellent knowledge in Bitcoin. He also wrote some book regarding this technology like Mastering Etherum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps and Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies.

9)    Ethereum 101:

Ethereum 101 is the free but non-certification course. In this course, you get special knowledge regarding Etherum. This course covers the concept like underlying the blockchain and distributed ledger technology. This course also gives detailed knowledge about working of Etherum and how it is involved. Hire freelancers online who have knowledge and experience in blockchain technology.

10)    Blockchain Essential:

The Blockchain Essential was earlier known as “IBM blockchain for developers.” This course is not only important for a developer but also important to all those who are interested to know more about blockchain technology. It is online 2-hour course, and if you pass that assessment, then you will get the IBM-issued and IBM recognised badge.


This article is about top 10 free blockchain and cryptocurrencies courses/certification. These courses help you to understand the blockchain topic such as what is blockchain? If you are working of blockchain or Etherum, you can get a lot of interesting information here.

Kitty Gupta