Java EE stands for Enterprises Edition, which is a platform defining Standard specifications/APIs. The main intention for its implementation is for the development of enterprises applications. These applications are composed of modules or components which use Java EE containers as their run-time infrastructure. Java enterprises edition make simpler app development and decline the need for programming because it is standardized, returnable modular component and enabling the tier to handle many features of programming inevitably.

The application Java EE hosted on an application server such as IBM WebSphere, Red Hat Wildfly server, and Oracle GlassFish all these run on the cloud or within a corporate data center. Java EE client includes internet of thing device, smartphone, Restful web services even microservices running in Docker container. Java being an established platform, it is easy to find freelancers.

What does it Constitute?

It consists of Enterprises java beans (EJB), Java Persistence API, Java Message Service and the platform revolves standard specification and API. API gets developed by different vendors such as GlassFish, Oracle Weblogic, Apache Tom EE, etc.

What Typically Java EE Application?

Java EE consists of different a component which is supported by their corresponding Container.

  • Enterprises Applications: – In enterprises application the specifications like EJB, JMS, JPA, and executed within an EJB container.
  • Applet: – GUI applications execute in a web browser.
  • Web Application: – Web application influence Servlet API, JSP, JSF, and supported by the web container.
  • Application Client: It required application client container execute on client side and needs Java SE environment.
  • HTTP client technology: Java Enterprise Edition dealing with HTTP-based client and it includes API for web socket programming and API for JSON processing the JSF and Servlet API and the JSP standard tag library.
  • Database resource access technology: When java enterprise edition interacting with external back end system in include API such as Java message service API, Java Transaction API for enforcing two-phase commits

The structure of Java EE Application:

The architecture of Java EE provides services which eases the challenges faced by developers while building modern applications through API. It makes easier to use the popular design pattern. The common challenge enterprise developer face is ‘how to handle request coming in from web based clients.’ For simplifying To simplify all challenges, Java enterprises edition offer Servlet and Java Server Pages, which provide methods for activity to find out what user input into a text field in an online form or storing cookies on the user’s browser.

For retriving information in a database, Java enterprises provide Java persistent which makes it easy to map data stored in tables and rows of the database. Through a use of Enterprise JavaBeans, it is simplified creating web services or highly scalable logic components. All APIS are well tested and easy for Java developers and can significantly simplify some of the toughest parts of enterprise development. The architecture of Java enterprises edition consists of the client tier, Server tier, and database tier.

  • Client Tier- Consist of web browsers or GUI-based clients. Web browser talks to web components and GUI client interact with business layer within server tier.
  • Server Tier – Server tier comprises dynamic web components and business layer driver by JPA, JTA and JMS specifications.
  • Database Tier- Database contains Enterprises Information Systems backed by the database and even legacy data repositories.

Java EE Updates:

Java enterprises first established J2EE specification in December of 1999. The established version has baseline support on server side compliance defined with less than a dozen APIs. The focus is on the front end development with servlet and JSPs and back- end development along with EJBs.

The improvement in the versions of Java EE in September 2001 it releases J2EE1.3 with the addition of the JSTL. The inclusion of the HTML framework JSF got added in the version of J2EE 1.4 in November 2003.

Java EE 5:

With an increase in the dissatisfaction with traditional EJBs the new light weighted approach was introduced with new EJB 3.0 specification in part of the May 2006 rebranding of J2EE to Java EE.

When JDK was the fifth version, the Java enterprises specification was named Java EE 5. Later, Java EE 5 has included major additions such as JPA and JAX-WS.

Java EE 6:

Java EE 5 support API for XML-based web service and SOAP. Java EE 6 release in December 2009 and include REST by Java API for RESTful web services.

The huge change in Java EE 6 was the introduction of web profile. That new feature allows vendors to create Java EE-6 compliant servers that provided the only subset of the overall Java EE functionality. The distribution size of Java EE application, making it easier to deploy an app to devices with limited computing capacity.

Java EE 6 web profile required Servlet and JSP support and did not support API such as Java Mail and Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers (JASPIC).

Java EE 7:

Java EE releases in June 2013 with advanced features of HTML 5 and supports web browser support. The Java API for WebSocket development introduced and Java API for JSON processing. It is become easier to send information formatted in JavaScript Object Notation back and forth for the client and server.

Java EE 8:

Java EE 8 release with containers and cloud computing. It is release in late 2017. The JCP means Java community process has on track the main intention of the latest Java EE release will be about support for HTML5 and rising HTTP 2.0. This version also implemented an infrastructure for running in the cloud. As freelancers quickly adapt new technologies, you can hire freelancers online in this area.

The Java API in Java EE including Jcache, the Java API for JSON binding and the new framework for web development named model view controller. It also updated with existing API WebSocket, JSF, the batch application API and JPA. There are more than 30 java APIs include as Java EE core technology where Java EE 8 approach 50 with the eventual release.


Java enterprises edition specifies standard specifications and APIs and its main intention being simplifying work of Java developers. In this article, you have seen information about different APIs of Java enterprises edition, and it also gives information on different updates of Java enterprises edition.

Kitty Gupta